

T8 led driverless tube light

What's the LED driverless tube light?

Generall, all LED lamps require a driver to power the LEDs (similar to how fluorescent tubes need a ballast).

The driver creates heat, limiting the light output and longevity of the LEDs it powers.
Greenough's LED driverless tubes use proprietary HV driverless LED technology.
This driverless technology allows Greenough LED tubes to be the first to finally produce a tube that 
outputs as much light as a brand new fluorescent lamp (120 lumens/watt) while lasting for 50,000 hours.
Usually the traditional Driver is with 156 components on circuit board generate significant heat.
While our Greenough IC chip driverless technology produces 70% less heat than standard driver.
Elimination of driver creates room for maximum surface area heat sink with better heat dissipation.
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